A digital landscape drawing of snow cover mountains taken during sunrise. Image generated from Stable Diffusion with the GhostMix - v2.0-BakedVAE checkpoint.

A Look Back at 2023 and Plans for 2024

2023 was an up-and-down year for me when it came to running. I began January with what seemed like a minor foot issue, but snowballed into multiple injuries that plagued my first half of the year. It wasn’t until the fall that I found some consistency and got my mileage to a satisfactory level.

Reflecting on my training as a whole, this year I made some important changes that I’m pleased about. I incorporated new workout types, such as long hill sessions, and added more vertical in my training overall through easy hilly runs. Moreover, I addressed some of my weaknesses, specifically longer threshold/tempo workouts, and genuinely feel like I’m starting to become comfortable maintaining those paces.

Looking ahead to 2024, several big changes are on the horizon, which are very exciting. Firstly, I will be moving out to Vancouver in early February, marking my return back after 4.5 years. I’m really eager to go all in on mountain/trail running once I get out there. I’ll even have convenient access to a nearby mountain that I can use for my daily training.

With this move and increased stability in my life, I’m looking forward to resume racing in 2024. My first race will be the Run Ridge Run 25km taking place at the end of February. This will be my first race since July 2019 and my first trail race ever. The longest races I’ve done previously were 7km cross-country races during high school, so this will be an entirely new experience for me.

Due to injuries over the past few years, I often failed to meet most of the goals I’ve set. Therefore, for 2024, I’ve set both quantitative and qualitative goals to ensure that even while injured, I will still have targets to strive for.

2024 Goals

  1. 100km mileage week
  2. 2500m vertical week
  3. Complete a 50km run
    • Ideally, a race. I missed out on the one I initially planned on running, but I have some backup options I’m looking in to.
  4. Prioritize feeling relaxed over the pace on easy days
  5. Restore balance to my daily routine
    • This includes various small adjustments aimed primarily at improving my mental health such as improving my sleep schedule, cleaning up my diet and getting regular massages. Making these changes should be fairly easy once I move.

Ultimately, running is my favourite thing to do, and I hope that in 2024, I can maintain good health and log as many miles as possible.

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